Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Chiba University
life in Japan lesson
July 2007

Badminton club

Chiba university

spring 2007

Japanese course

language course

language Course

Tea ceremony

Tea ceremony, we are learning how to make Japanese tea,

Tea Ceremony

Tea ceremony
Chiba university, June 2007

Home visit, Japanese family,
We had a delicious local lunch.

Baseball, Makuhari

Kimono ceremony, Mothers (Okasan) association.

First of all, about the Mothers association: They are very kind and try to help foreign students, also to introduce Japanese culture.


I had a chance to wear Kimono at life in Japan class.

Japanese language course

Japanese language course is finished, I am happy, so we went to a Japanese restaurant with my friends in this course.
language course,
27 July 2007